2011年10月23日 星期日

Madeleine's Teaching-Reading Club C (2011.10.22)

Reading Club C    Saturday, October 22nd,2011
Instructor: Ms. Madeleine Hsueh

*Living Habit
Please bring your cutlery when you need to eat outside.
cutlery:(noun)knifes, forks and spoons for use at table
a spoon , a fork, a knife, a pair of chopsticks

Role Play :
Quotation Marks "" means the characters are talking.
Please use dramatic voice to read the quoted sentences.
Please talk like the characters.

Madeleine Hsueh->Narrator , Goldilocks and Mommy Bear
Oscar Liao->Baby Bear
Anne Jung->Daddy Bear

dream:(verb) To imagine events while you are asleep.

Choose a favorite sentence.
Oscar Liao-> "Yum!"
Anne Jung -> And she gave a piercing scream.

@ Please listen to CDs everyday before you go to bed.

*What Your Second Grader Needs to Know
Familiar Sayings:
1. Back to the drawing board.
2. Better late than never.
3. Don't judge a book by its cover.
4. Easier said than done.
5. Two heads are better than one.
6. Get up on the wrong side of bed.
