2014年8月13日 星期三

Game Review: Minecraft (PC Version) from Howard Tsai

有鑑於大人對孩子玩 Minecraft 的擔憂, Howard 決定寫一篇文章來說明一下, 順便幽默一下自己,

Game Review: Minecraft (PC Version)

Creator: Markuss Persson (Notch)
Release Date: May 17th 2009(Beta Version)
What’s it like?
Minecraft is a 3D Sandbox game originally inspired by InfiniMiner, where players have to collaborate by mining blocks, which inspired Persson to create Minecraft, a game which instead of just mining blocks, lets you craft the tools themselves! Basically you can mine every block with your fist, but there are tools suitable for some tasks, such as the Axe, which is used for chopping trees, and the shovel, which is used to dig holes.
You start out in the game as Steve, the default player name and skin (Player Look) with a flat head and nose and hands. Since the game instructions aren’t exactly in game, you’ll have to go to the Wiki, or just experiment with crafting, which I did, and had many failures and pointless rages.
So let’s get to the point, many mothers are worried about their children’s addiction to Minecraft. I have no right to give tips since I’m sorta addicted to it too. 

So, here are the tips (For the mums):
Try to find a sport/board game your kid likes, and try suggesting to play it every time your kid has spare time, so he/she won’t have time to think of Minecraft(NOTE: This method has been tested and proved working by experts eg. my mum)

The tips (For the kiddies):
You may have noticed how hard it is to pull yourself away from Minecraft when playing it and when your mom/dad tells you to stop playing and go to sleep/read a book you still can’t stop playing and usually resulting in a computer ban. That sucks, right? But with positive thought directing, it is possible to pull yourself away from Minecraft even while you are playing it! Your parents mean well, most of them don’t hate Minecraft, they’re just worried about your overboard computer/Minecraft usage. If the worst comes to worse, threaten yourself with threats like: If I don’t stop playing Minecraft NOW my eyes will get so bad that even surgery won’t even be able to help. Scary, right? No? Then, If I don’t stop playing Minecraft NOW my parents will ground me from playing Minecraft EVER AGAIN!!!!!  That’s sort of the ultimate threat the parents can give.
You know, it’s not easy being a parent, with all the responsibilities and whatnot. Being a parent means taking care of the family and leading them through life. That’s a pretty big responsibility. So next time your mother or father tells you to stop playing Minecraft, tell yourself: My mom and dad mean well for me, they don’t hate Minecraft(If they do stop reading now), they’re just worried about me.

OK, this is starting to sound like an Anti-Minecraft Article but it’s not. It should be a Game Review but it’s really weird now.

Instructions(To buy and to play):

Go to Minecraft.net
Register for an account
Choose a Username.
Activate your account
Choose forms of payment

After you buy Minecraft…
Load your world
Find a tree
Click on the tree(Hold the mouse button)
Hold until it breaks
Get the piece of wood
Press “E” and put the wood in the 2x2 square in the upper right corner
Turn the wood into planks. And now you have wood! And now you can also access the Wiki for additional information on crafting, brewing, and smelting.

August 13th, 2014

Visit the Wiki Here: http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/

2014年7月19日 星期六


Howard 昨天跟著劇團導演去購買戲服,我因為幫不上忙於是決定去逛街, 逛到一半小孩打電話來抱怨著時間好久喔! 可是都還沒買到他的戲服,他好累喔! 想回家了,可不可以就請假回家? 我只是聽著他說, 然後我問他想不想吃糖, 我買黑糖棒棒糖給他, 他當時氣頭上就賭氣說不要, 我就在他們對面而已,所以我還是買了棒棒糖走過去對街找他, 他正生氣的站在外頭, 一開始遞給他整包棒棒糖他還生氣地丟回我的機車籃然後轉身氣嘟嘟的又回去店裡, 我沒說什麼,就坐在我的機車座上拿起棒棒糖吃了起來,(心裡os 的是我要念他亂發脾氣嗎? 既然自己答應要參與公演就要負責任呀! ) 但是腦裡卻想到我最近讀著賴佩霞的<<回家>> , 其中幾段話讓我能夠淡定下來:
"我知道,她的心裡一定有甚麼不愉快的情緒需要發洩, 我陪著她,看著她的憤怒,悲傷及任性, 那一刻,我沒有任何指責, 只是很單純的跟她在一起, 讓她把氣完全發洩出來..."
"如果我能處之泰然, 孩子就不會模糊了焦點,才能從這件事情上反省, 當事情單純的時候, 越能幫助孩子真實的看到她自己..." ~ 引自<<回家>>
棒棒糖吃著吃著,他又走出來,我又問他一次要不要吃棒棒糖, 他這次說好啦! 就拿了棒棒糖再次走回店裡, 他再次走出來時臉色已經柔和許多, 我還跟他分享棒棒糖吃完可以將那跟小棒子丟進我們已喝完的礦泉水瓶裡, 還可以將梅子核吐到瓶子裡, 我問他要不要試試看用遠距離的發射他的梅子核到瓶子裡,我來接, 他被我說的話逗笑了, 然後我跟他說真的好累的話,不然等會跟導演說我們要回家休息好不好, 他反而說"沒關係啦! " 最後還跟他們一行人一起去吃飯.
"只要孩子願意表達出自己內在的真實狀況,我絕對給予高度的敬重,孩子必須對情緒有相當的認識,將來才能主宰它, 不讓任何人成為盛怒,憤怒,所有負面情緒的犧牲品." ~ <<回家>>
到了晚上他們得進劇團排戲, Howard 打了幾通電話給我, 第一通跟我說他要是受不了就要逃跑了, 我說那媽媽現在去接你回家好不好, 結果他對我說"我現在還可以,沒關係啦!" , 後來晚點我到全家去等他時他在休息時間打給我,聽到我的聲音他對我說"媽咪,你的聲音聽起來很睏,你要不要先回家睡覺,待會我排練完再打電話給你,你再來接我,好嗎?" 我說因為太晚騎車到市區的話我會有點害怕,所以我寧可早點來全家等他,接著他跟我說他終於穿著戲服演戲了,我問他還好嗎? 他回答"還好啦! " 通話結束前他對我說"Mommy, I love you."
我很感動, 我知道他下午不舒服的情緒已過去了, 而他也學會對自己所下的決定負責任, 我真的很感動. 直到我們夜晚回家, 我們在車上聊著,他的情緒一直都在舒服的狀態.
"每個孩子都很有智慧, 如果大人多一些淡定,不亂發脾氣, 讓孩子看清楚事情的真相, 你會發現不只孩子的悟性特別高,而且也能回頭幫你,安慰你... 如果孩子從父母身上看到處理事情的方法可以很簡單, 很成熟, 其實他們也會很喜歡, 很放鬆的, 只要大人不往死胡同裡鑽,孩子也不會往死胡同裡鑽, 只要大人態度溫和,孩子也會以禮相待"
"當我們部小看孩子, 孩子內在那個很懂事的部分就會被喚起, 孩子的智慧與包容, 遠遠超出我們的理解" Wow!!
另外,我也要特別感謝Howard, 因為這次陪他在台東劇團的排戲,我意外的多出很多時間閱讀各類我以前讀不下,現在卻讀得很過癮的書, 這是意外的收穫,非常感恩.

2014年7月17日 星期四


Howard 2014年暑假期間參加台東劇團《戒檳狂想曲》巡迴演出, 聽他說除了演戲外還有跳舞喔! 雖然每次排練都很累人,但是他回家還是努力背台詞,這是他第一次如此長時間且認真的工作喔!  這也將會成為他小學畢業的禮物囉! 
我們目前需要服務志工, 若有意願者,趕快去報名喔! 8月份共有5個公演場次. 
8/3 10:00 池上 
8/20 14:00 太平營區
8/23 10:00 延平
8/27 15:30-17:00 富里
8/30 10:00 大武 
