Howard 非常喜歡這張專輯, 每次坐在車上時都一定要聽, 聽到最後已經完全可以背起來了,這張專輯非常有趣, 它是以文學作品及繪本為主要編歌特色,以前瑪德琳當英文老師時就很喜歡用這張音樂來帶動孩子, 很活潑很可愛的作品, 每首歌後面還有附上可以帶孩子的活動,很實用.
* I love to laugh 是經典文學小說保母包萍Mary Poppins 裡的其中一首歌, 每次我和Howard 一聽就笑個不停, 因為他一直笑呀!
*A-Root-Chy-Cha Chant 非常好玩, 可以用來帶動孩子的身體律動.
*I met a bear / Annie Mae 這兩首我和Howard 都覺得很適合拿來演戲
這個專輯瑪德琳是覺得買的非常值得, Howard 聽了不下百次了, 若是要
用在教學上,更棒喔! 推薦推薦 !!

凱斯有賣ㄛ! 也可以去試聽看看喜不喜歡! ^^
現在來聽聽Howard 的錄音吧! 聽他唱歌時可以想像
到他唱歌的神情嗎? 嘻嘻! 只有我看的到喔!實在有
Tiny Tim
I had a little turtle, his name was Tiny Tim.
I put him in the bathtub, to see if he could swim.
He drank up all the water, he ate up all the soap,
Tiny Tim was choking on the bubbles in his throat.
I picked up the telephone, I pressed in 9-1-1.
I asked for the doctor, in came the nurse,
in came the lady , with the alligator purse.
They pumped our all the water,
They pumped out all the soap,
They popped the airy bubbles,
As they floated from his throat.
Kissy Kim..................
Annie Mae
Annie Mae, where are you going?
Up the stairs to take a bath.
Annie Mae with legs like toothpicks.
And a neck like a giraffe.
Annie Mae stepped in the bathtub.
Annie Mae pulled out the plug.
Oh my goodness! Oh my soul!
There goes Annie Mae down the hole.
Annie Mae? Annie Mae?
Gurgle, gurgle, glug.