課程:Reading Club & Drama Club
READING CLUB(10:40~12:40)
今天的Reading Club 部分: 共讀國外報紙 , 討論上次的文學作品The Little Women, 其實小男生們普遍都不愛讀這本書,不過Howard 上個月拿回家時竟然早早就讀完了呢! 瑪德琳給你拍拍手啦! 這次帶回家要讀的是The Wind in the Willows -by Kenneth Grahame
DRAMA CLUB(13:30~ 15:00)
Drama Club今天Camilla 跟孩子們介紹角色部份.
Characters: round characters / flat characters / foil
Round characters: character's personality change -> from good
to evil, or vise versa,
usually major characters.
Flat characters: character's personality remains the same, are
apt to be minor characters
Foil: a person or thing that makes another seem better by contrast.
接著Camilla 讓孩子們自己選擇要哪一種角色, Howard 就說他今
天想要當flat character. 大夥討論後決定今天的劇本主題為:
Deapty Doodoo (Tragedy 悲劇故事) 劇本細節如下:
<Script> Deapty Doodoo (Tragedy)
Characters: Howard : a flat character : bad
Peter : a foil: Howard's friend : making Howard
Kevin : a round character : from good to evil
H: Are you evil?
P: Why? I'm here to help.
K: I would like to help Howard too.
H: May I be excused ? I need some fresh air ( go out and plan on
evil mission trying to kill Peter and Kevin)
P: Let's follow him.
K: No..oh...yes! Let's follow him.
H: (Take the sword and turn around and grab Peter and Kevin.)
I got you two!
P: Ahh.....
K: (Talk to Howard.) Don't kill my and I will help you fight!
H: Oh....right...(Kevin is helping Howard to kill Peter.)
(Peter runs away.)
K: (Kevin catches Peter and kills him.) Now you are dead.
H: Yes, and it is your turn to be dead too, because you are useless
K: (Kevin fights back and kills Howard.) See! Who is the man!
( Kevin cuts himself with a sword on purpose to prove that
he is strong.) Ahhh....No....The sword is poisonous. I'm gonna
go see the God.
P and H :(Turn into ghosts.) No....You're gonna go to the hell!
*** 來看看這些孩子把悲劇演的像喜劇的戲吧! ***