2011年5月28日 星期六

Young-At-Heart Club 2011.05.28

Young-At-Heart Club 2011.05.28

Book title the sections we've read and the words or sentences that inspired madeleine.

* The New First Dictionary of Cultural Literacy

* The Essential Guide to Children's Books and Their Creators
   -Ahlberg,Janet (British illustrator)
   -Ahlberg,Allan(British Author)
* Valerie & Walter's Best books for Children
   -A Note on Finding the Books
   -Reading (這段裡面有好多很棒的句子,瑪德琳摘錄於下方黑色字部份)
   -Television, Screens, and Reading
   -Family Reading

@@If we want to encourage people to think for themselves,then the teaching of reading must have higher priorities.

@@Most meaningful reading is done because the reader wants to ,not because he has to.

@@Reading allows the luxury of retreating from the world into a private place.

@@One of the chief reasons children read is to find themselves.

@@Pride ,faith,and confidence in onself are nurtured by reading as a child reaches for independence.

@@Create time in your child's life to read for pleasure.....make this part of every daily routine.

@@Children need to cultivate their ability to make decisions on their own.One of the greatest things about reading is how it engages the imagination on so many levels at once yet allows the read to absorb at her own pace. (瑪德琳碎碎唸: 嗯! 這真的很重要)

 The Essential Guide to Children's Books and Their Creators

The New First Dictionary of Cultural Literacy

Valerie & Walter's Best books for Children
