2011年6月11日 星期六

Madeleine's Teaching -Reading Club C(文章照片更新2011.06.11)

Reading Club C
What Your First Grader Needs to Know

Date: June 11th,2011
Subject :Visual Art (Part Three)

*Texture: Oh, What a Feeling!
*Looking Good: Portraits
*Self-Portraits:Take a Good Look at Yourself
*Hold Still:Still Life
*Murals:Paintings on Walls

這張照片由Camilla提供,想看更多照片請到Camilla's Studio of Children's Literature 提供.


Date: May 28th, 2011
Subject: Visual Art  (Part Two)

*Get in line!
*Get in shape!

Date: May 14th, 2011
Subject: Visual Art  (Part One)

*Visual Art is art that can be seen.
*A World of Color
*Rainbow Song

這張照片由Camilla 提供

這張照片由Camilla 提供

這張照片由Camilla 提供

這張照片由Camilla 提供

這張照片由Camilla 提供

這張照片由Camilla 提供

這張照片由Camilla 提供

Date: April 23rd, 2011
Subject : Religion


 - symbol / scripture / belief / place to worship / prophet / believer / holidays

The photos of April 23rd, 2011 are all provided by 
cAmilla's Studio of Children's Literature . 

4月23日的照片都是由Camilla 兒童文學苑提供 , 瑪德琳忘了帶相機了. ><


Date: April 9th ,2011

Subject: World History

* What is history?
*The Ice Age
*What is archaeologist?
*Ancient Egypt
 -The Great Sphinx
 -Hieroglyphics -Picture Writing
