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這次的劇本是由Howard 提供的喔! |
認真上課的孩子們 這次的Drama 課表演的劇碼是由Howard 編寫的喔! 有天他在家裡突然心血來潮花了大概5分鐘一氣呵成寫完的, 自己又拿給Camilla 看他的劇本, 沒想到Camilla 很高興的就用他的劇本作為今天的戲劇課主題, 真的很感謝Camilla 總是那麼認真的疼愛每位孩子 , 也讓孩子們盡情的發揮想像力創作. 我們真的好幸運也好幸福. |
Script: The Silly Kids
Written by Howard ,Tsai
Characters: Polly, Alyssa, Melody and Howard
P:Look, everybody! I've got seven sacks of star wars video games!
A:Oh! I don't approve of violence. Don't you have any food games, not ghost games?
H:Please don't mention it. I'm afraid of ghosts.
M:Don't be silly! There are no such things as ghosts.
P:Wait! At least take a look at my pet Huski. Isn't it cute?
A:Help! I'm afraid of dogs.
H:AhHHHHHH! (Howard runs away.) Me too......
M:Hey! Howard! It's bedtime!
A:Can we at least have a bedtime story?
H:Oh! Dream on!
M:Right ! Let's tell stories in our dream.
~The End ~
下次上課就要改在晚上上課了, 我們參加的是Reading,Writing and Drama Club A , 這學期的共讀本除了"What your **grader needs to know" 外, 還有這位黑人作家Frederick Douglass 的自傳小說 "Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass" .