記錄寶貝Howard的自學過程 We are homeschoolers.
Be Humble!!
One sees clearly only with the heart.Anything essential is invisible to the eyes.(Le Petit Prince by Antoine De Saint-Exupery , Chapter XXI)
Everyday,everywhere,our children spread their dreams beneath our feet.And we should tread softly.(by Sir Ken Robinson)
每一句對白可都是孩子們腦力激盪而來的, 最後才由Camilla稍稍潤飾的喔!
上次是悲劇結束,這次選擇喜劇, 3個小男生討論後決定了主題/ 主角名字及主角特性/ 對白....
這次主題是" Behold! The Wizard is Coming!" , 有3位主角 Bob(played by Kevin) / Stink(played by Peter) / George(played by Howard).
Howard 的對白其中有一句" You 're full of baloney!" 其中的baloney 是美國俚語 ,意指nonsense, Howard 和Kevin 都知道這意思, 我想他們大概是從大量閱讀小說中讀到吧! 非常有趣.
Drama Club 2010.03.27 Behold! The Wizard is Coming! <Comedy> A humorous play, movie,etc. with a cheerful ending Characters: 1. Bob 2. Stink 3. George 1. Bob:A good wizard, always wearing yellow clothes (played by Kevin) 2.Stink:A bad and mean wizard (played by Peter) 3.George:A mischievous but funny boy who likes to wear blue and white stripe shirts.(played by Howard) ________________________________________ Act 1 : Scene 1 G: I'm gonna stink Stink's house. I'm going to have a fight to beat Stink. B: Don't go to Stink's house. G: You're full of baloney. S: I know someone is trying to stop me from getting away. G: I heard it. Stink is going to run away. B: I need to do something to stop this mess. I have an idea to stop the fight and make them behave well. (Bob takes out his magical wand) Ali- Ali- Blu-Ba -ABCDEFG . Erase their memory! S: What has happened? I should help people more often. What is my name? B: Your name is Stink Bug. You are here to help people. G: I am your friend. We have to work together to make the world a better place.
看完The Princess and the Frog 這部電影,在劇情即將結束前,劇中的螢火蟲被巨人踩死, 當巨人將螢火蟲先生踩下去的那一霎那, Howard 完全無法控制自己的眼淚狂飆, 抱著我狂哭, 哭了約莫半小時, 隔天早上眼睛都還是腫的, 他不能接受他喜歡的螢火蟲就這樣走了,就算上了天堂和他心愛的另一半在一起他還是無法接受, 不停的問為什麼?
時間: 2010.03.13
課程:Reading Club & Drama Club
Howard興奮又期待的 Camilla's Club 總算開課了, 前一晚Howard 就自己整理好要帶到教室的東西喔!(字典,筆記本,要共讀的文學小說及文具用品)
今天早上Reading Club 討論的是The Adventures of Tom Sawyer湯姆歷險記,
這次老師要小朋友帶回家讀的小說是-The Little Women (ps. 原本以為Howard 會不想念的,因為比較girlish, 沒想到他竟然還是很認真的看完囉! )
這次的課程內容請看Camilla's Reading Club
下午是上Drama Club , 參加的3位小男生和1位小女生都很活潑也都很踴躍發言, Camilla 帶領孩子們了解舞台上的走位及角色的介紹,有男主角女主角配角...另外介紹了舞台上可能會有管弦樂團,觀眾又會坐在哪裡.
接下來就是讓孩子們將以前唸過的文學小說選出喜歡的再重新改編劇本, 他們讀過的有Treasure Island / Romeo & Julio /Robin Hood/ Knights of the Round Table /Robinson Crusoe/Gulliver's Travel/ The Secret Garden / The Adventures of Tom Sawyer / The Little Prince...
去年夏令營已經演過小王子 , 孩子們最後用投票決定要將Treasure Island 改成The Dragon Island , Camilla 問大家想演 悲劇還是喜劇, 小朋友又用投票決定演悲劇, 接著就是自己撰寫劇本, 每個小朋友自己創造自己的對白, 非常有創意且好玩喔! 劇本寫好後就是排演然後正式演出,雖然很搞笑,不過我還是很佩服孩子們的即興創作哩! (這次Drama Club 詳細內容請看Camilla's Drama Club)
Script : The Dragon Island
Kevin : I don't know where we are.
Peter: Me neither . Where are we?
Howard: Well, I know where we are. We are on an island.
Catherine: Maybe it is a dragon island.
Kevin: Look! There is a poisonous dragon.
Peter: It is going to eat us! Run!
Howard : I see a bloody knife. We can use it to defend ourselves.